Mar Gregorios College , Self Study Report
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1.Curricular Aspects
1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 Effective Curriculum Delivery
1.1.2 Academic Calendar
1.1.3 Teachers Participation in Curriculum Development and Assessment
1.1.3 DVV
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 Programmes with CBCS/Elective Course System
1.2.2 Add on /Certificate Course
1.2.3 Students Enrolled in Certificate and Add on Course
1.2.1 DVV
1.2.2 DVV
1.2.3 DVV
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 Curriculum Integrating Crosscutting issues
1.3.2 Courses that including Experimental Learning
1.3.3 Project Work / Field Work / Internship
1.3.2 DVV
1.3.3 DVV
1.4 Feedback System
1.4.2 Feedback Process
1.4.1 DVV
1.4.2 DVV
2.Teaching-Learning & Evaluation
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 Average Enrolment
2.1.2 Reservation Category
2.1.1 DVV
2.1.2 DVV
2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
2.2.1 Assessing learning levels
2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio
2.2.2 DVV
2.3 Teaching Learning Process
2.3.1 Student centric methods
2.3.3 DVV
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Full time teachers against sanctioned posts
2.4.2 Full time teachers with Ph. D.
2.4.1 DVV
2.4.2 DVV
2.4.3 DVV
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 Mechanism of Internal Assessment
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.2 Attainment of Programme Outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes
2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students
2.6.3 DVV
3.Research, Innovation and Extension
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem
3.2.2 Workshops / Seminars
3.2.2 DVV
3.3 Research Publications and Awards
3.3.2 Publications in Journals
3.3.3 Publications of Books and Papers
3.3.2 DVV
3.3.3 DVV
3.4 Extension Activities
3.4.3 Extension and Outreach Programmers through NSS / NCC / Red Cross / YRC
3.4.4 Students Participation
3.4.2 DVV
3.4.3 DVV
3.4.4 DVV
3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1 Collaborative Activities
3.5.2 Functional MoU’s
3.5.1 DVV
3.5.2 DVV
4.Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1.1. Facilities for Teaching & Learning
4.1.2 Facilities for Sports & Cultural Activities
4.1.3 Classrooms and Seminar Halls with ICT Facilities
4.1.4 Expenditure for Infrastructure Augmentation
4.1.4 DVV
4.1.3 DVV
4.2 Library As Learning Resources
4.2.1 ILMS
4.2.3 Expenditure for Purchase of Books and Journals
4.2.2 DVV
4.2.4 DVV
4.2.3 DVV
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Updation of IT Facilities
4.3.2 Student Computer Ratio
4.3.2 DVV
4.3.3 DVV
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
4.4.2 Systems & Procedure for Maintenance of Physical & Academic support
4.4.1 DVV
5.Student Support & Progression
5.1 Student support
5.1.1 Government Scholarship/Free ship
5.1.2 Institution/Private Scholarship/Free ship
5.1.3 Capacity Building
5.1.4 Guidance for Competitive examinations and career counseling
5.1.5 Grievance Redressal Mechanism
5.1.1 DVV
5.1.2 DVV
5.1.3 DVV
5.1.4 DVV
5.1.5 DVV
5.2 Student Progression
5.2.1 Students Progression towards Placement
5.2.2 Higher Education
5.2.1 DVV
5.2.2 DVV
5.2.3 DVV
5.3 Student Participation and activities
5.3.1 Students Achievements in Sports/Cultural
5.3.3 Students Participation in Sports and Cultural Events/Competitions.
5.3.1 DVV
5.3.3 DVV
5.4 Alumni Engagement
5.4.1 Alumni Contribution for development of the institution through support services.
6.Governance, Leadership and Management
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.2 Decentralization and Participative Management
6.2 Governance, Leadership and Management
6.2.3. E- Governance
6.2.3 DVV
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.2. Financial Support
6.3.3. Professional Development Training Programme Reports
6.3.4. Faculty Development Programme
6.3.2 DVV
6.3.3 DVV
6.3.4 DVV
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.3. Quality assurance Initiatives
6.5.3 DVV
7.Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1 Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1.1 Gender Equity
7.1.2 Alternate Sources of Energy
7.1.3 Degradable and Non Degradable
7.1.4 Water Conservation Facilities
7.1.5 Green Campus Initiatives
7.1.7 Disabled Friendly Environment
7.1.11 Commemorative Days & Events
7.1.8 Initiatives on Inclusive Environment
7.1.9 Sensitizing the Constitutional Obligations
7.1.2 DVV
7.1.4 DVV
7.1.5 DVV
7.1.6 DVV
7.1.7 DVV
7.1.10 DVV
7.2 Best Practices
7.2.1 Best Practices
7.3. Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness
8.Extended Profile
8.1.1 Number of Courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the last five years
8.1.1Number of Courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the last five years
8.2.1 Number of students year wise during the last five years
8.2.1 Number of students year wise during the last five years
8.2.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule yearwise during last five years.
8.2.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule yearwise during last five years.
8.2.3 Number of outgoing/final year students year wise during last five years.
8.2.3 Number of outgoing/final year students year wise during last five years.
8.3.1 Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
8.3.1 Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
8.3.2 Number of sanctioned posts year wise during last five years
8.3.2 Number of sanctioned posts year wise during last five years
7.1.8 Initiatives on Inclusive Environment